WaterHero Kids K Partner


WaterHero Kids K capes are a crowd favorite that lasts! On race day, your logo will have visibility at the start line, finish line, Kids K race bib (and all those cute photos), and the pre-race Kids Corner. After the race, our fans tell us the capes are at show-and-tell day, tea parties with grandparents, and playgrounds across Texas and beyond! 

WaterHero Kids K Sponsor Benefits

  • 200 WaterHero Kids K capes featuring your brand - with lots of adorable photo opportunities!

  • Logo on Kids K Finish banner

  • Logo on Kids K race bib

  • Branded signage at Kids Corner Tent (games, face-painting, hula-hoops, and water-awareness education)

  • Brand logo on all race participant emails

  • Brand logo on official race shirt

  • Quarter-page ad in participant guide

  • 3 complimentary race entries

Cost: $5,000


All sponsorships are tax-deductible and benefit the Gazelle Foundation*

Please use the link below to have Cheryl, from our team, contact you. Or email: cheryl@gazellefoundation.org