Race Photo Partner


A photograph is worth a thousand words – or at least bragging rights! Each participant has an average of 8 photos. That’s 36,000 photographs tagged with your brand. 

  • 90% of race participants view their race photos

  • 45% download their photos

  • 85% of downloaders share on their own social media channels

Race Photo Sponsor Benefits

  • Brand logo on all official race photos

  • Option for brand tag line or message on all official race photos (coordinated with Run For The Water branding team)

  • Race photo info pushed to every single participant and volunteer via official race communications

  • Exponential exposure through racer posting official photos on their own social channels

  • Brand logo on all race participant emails

  • Brand logo on official race shirt

  • Quarter-page ad in participant guide

  • 5 complimentary race entries

Cost: $5,000


All sponsorships are tax-deductible and benefit the Gazelle Foundation*

Please use the link below to have Cheryl, from our team, contact you. Or email: cheryl@gazellefoundation.org.