Gazelle Foundation Impact Report 2021

Lasting Impact: Clean Water For Life

Take a look at 2021 Impact Report. Since 2006, the Gazelle Foundation has invested $2.3 million to transform lives in Burundi. Where we work. The consistent financial support of the Gazelle Foundation community is what enables us to continue impacting thousands of lives each year through our clean water systems.

The Gazelle Foundation’s unique connection to Burundi through our co-founder, Gilbert Tuhabonye, and our strong relationships with on-the-ground partners, mean that we can effect change in a place where many others cannot. Our focus on Burundi means that it is easier to track the long-term impact of our water systems, developing not only a record of success but a reputation locally as a committed partner.

We have built a community of the best supporters in the world (that's you!). We’ve accomplished a lot, but there is still much to do. How you can help.